18.204 Fall 2018

Class meetings: Mondays and Wednesdays 11am–12:30pm in 2-147
Instructor: Zilin Jiang
Communication specialist: Malcah Effron

Course description

Seminar in combinatorics, graph theory, and discrete mathematics in general. Participants read and present papers from recent mathematics literature. Instruction and practice in written and oral communication provided. Enrollment limited.


3 presentations worth 15% each, 3 in-class midterms worth 10% each, and the term paper for 25%.

Attendance policy: Without a valid excuse such as illness, failure to show up at one’s own talk or more than three failures to attend the classes results an immediate failure.



M W 
9/10Kimberly Villalobos Carballo
Zilu Pan
9/12Presentation workshop
9/17Kritkorn Karntikoon
Jennifer Zou
9/19Rebekah Terry
Inioluwa Oguntola
9/24Vivek Miglani
Alexander Cauneac
9/26Sophia Xia
Zilin Jiang
10/1Jamison Rich
James Allen
10/3Stephanie Yuen
Joseph Kuan
10/8No class (Columbus day)10/10In-class midterm #1
10/15Writing workshop10/17Stephanie Yuen
Zilin Jiang
10/22Zilu Pan
Kritkorn Karntikoon
10/24Inioluwa Oguntola
Joseph Kuan
10/29Jennifer Zou
Rebekah Terry
10/31Kimberly Villalobos Carballo
Jamison Rich
11/5Vivek Miglani
Alexander Cauneac
11/7Sophia Xia
James Allen
11/12No class (Veterans day)11/14In-class midterm #2
11/19Presentation workshop11/21Vivek Miglani
Sophia Xia
Jennifer Zou
11/26Stephanie Yuen
Zilu Pan
Alexander Cauneac
11/28Kritkorn Karntikoon
Rebekah Terry
Joseph Kuan
12/3In-class midterm #312/5Peer critique
12/10Inioluwa Oguntola
Kimberly Villalobos Carballo
Jamison Rich